Today i introduced sweet potato's to him i think he likes eating solids but i don't think he likes sweet potato's so i can't wait for 4 days to pass so i can try another flavor on him. Oh and he loves his high chair he sat in it today and watched me make banana bread. thank you Jace!! Jace has started to scoot across the floor in the picture above i had him right in front of the pillow so if he fell backwards he wouldn't bonk his head and the next thing i know he is all the way across the room. He also has started to crawl only backwards ha ha. When he is on his stomach he starts to push him self backwards he doesn't do it all the time just sometimes he mainly goes in a circle. Its so crazy these kids they don't spread things out ever everything happens all at once in one week then it goes boring for another month or so it's so crazy to me! oh bye the way I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! it is so crazy that it is already that time again time fly's. well Justin needs the computer so i guess i will call this good.
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